
#' Maps of Poland
#' This package contains data and tools for drawing maps of Poland.
#' Tools are provided for drawing data on administrative maps of Poland.
#' Functions rely on functionality of packages \pkg{sp} and \pkg{maptools}.
#' See \code{help(package="mapoland")} for the complete list of functions.
#' The package currently contains data on voivodships, i.e. top-level
#' administrative units. Future releases might include data on county and
#' municipality levels.  See Section "Spatial data on Poland" below for
#' information about included shape files.
#' We have invested some time and effort in creating this package. We hope that
#' it will be useful to you. Please cite it whenever you use it for data
#' analysis or other tasks. See \code{citation(package="mapoland")} for the
#' proper information and format.
#' @section Spatial data on Poland:
#' Package \pkg{mapoland} provides some extra data files with spatial
#' information about Poland. These are in ESRI shape files stored in the
#' \code{shapes} folder of the package directory.
#' The policy that is implemented in package \pkg{mapoland} is to:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{Store polygon data in shape files instead of in R images (\code{rda}
#' files) of objects of class \linkS4class{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}. The
#' user can easily import them using \code{\link{getShape}} function in this
#' package.}
#' \item{Limit the number of polygon attributes in the shape files to absolute
#' minimum necessary for identifying the polygons. Currently the polygons can be
#' identified with TERYT codes as well as area names in various encodings, see
#' sections below for details.}
#' \item{All additional polygon attributes are stored in separate data frames,
#' to be loaded with \code{\link{data}}. They can be matched with the polygons
#' "on the fly" as well as used for other purposes.}
#' }
#' Quick list of available shape files (see sections below for details):
#' \describe{
#' \item{polska.shp}{low-quality contour of Poland}
#' \item{voiv.shp}{low-quality polygons for Polish voivodships}
#' }
#' See section "Accessing the shape files" at the end for how to get your hands
#' on the data.
#' Contour of Poland (polska.shp)
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' File:\tab \code{polska.shp}\cr
#' Source:\tab Unknown
#' }
#' This is a simple low-quality contour of Poland. Very usefull for
#' presentation purposes, not for any serious geo-/spatial purposes. Point
#' coordinates do not have any geographical interpretation and the projection
#' is unknown. The shape file does not contain any polygon attributes.
#' @name mapoland-package
#' @aliases mapoland-package mapoland
#' @docType package
#' @author Michal Bojanowski and Tomasz W. Jerzynski
#' Maintainer: Michal Bojanowski \email{m.bojanowski@@uw.edu.pl}
#' @seealso \pkg{mapoland} on WWW: \url{http://mapoland.r-forge.r-project.org}
#' @keywords package
#' @references
#' TERYT database, National Official Register of Territorial
#' Division of the Country \url{http://www.stat.gov.pl/bip/36_ENG_HTML.htm}
#' Poland and its administrative units:
#' \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voivodeships_of_Poland}
#' @examples
#' if( require(sp) ) {
#' # Contour of Poland
#' plot(getShape("polska"))
#' # Voivodships with their names
#' pl <- getShape("voiv")
#' plot(pl)
#' text(sp::coordinates(pl), labels=voivNames(), cex=0.8)
#' # voivodships colored by area
#' x <- structure( voivData$area, names=rownames(voivData) )
#' voivPlot(x, main="Area of voivodships [km^2]")
#' }
mbojan/mapoland documentation built on June 6, 2019, 12:27 p.m.