
#' Plot data on Polish voivodships
#' Plot numeric data on Polish voivodships
#' The data vector \code{x} should be named to match it against polygon names in
#' the underlying spatial object so that values in \code{x} are properly
#' assigned to voivodships. If there are no names \code{x} is assumed to be
#' properly ordered, but a warning is thrown.
#' If \code{x} has names then, depending on the value of \code{matchattr}, the
#' names are matched against attribute(s) of the underlying spatial object. If
#' \code{matchattr} is \code{NULL} then names of \code{x} are matched against
#' all available attributes and best match (least number of NAs in the matching
#' vector) is used for the match. If \code{matchattr} is a character scalar,
#' then it is assumed to be the name of the attribute to be used for matching.
#' The underlying shapefile has the following polygon attributes that can be
#' used for matching: "teryt", "names_asci", "names_utf8", "names_lati".  See
#' \code{\link{mapoland}} for further details.
#' The plot is produced using \code{\link[sp]{spplot}}.
#' @param x named numeric vector, data to be plotted
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to \code{\link[sp]{spplot}}
#' @param matchattr character or \code{NULL}, name of the polygon attribute
#' that should be used for matching against names of \code{x}, see Details
#' @return Object of class "trellis" returned invisibly containing the plotting
#' structure. The plot is produced.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mapoland}} for the documentation of available shapes in package
#' \pkg{mapoland}.  \code{\link[sp]{spplot}}, \code{\link{spCbind}}
#' @export
voivPlot <- function(x, ..., matchattr=NULL)
    # read the shape file
    pl <- getShape("voiv")
    # merge 'x'
    o <- smartSpCbind(sp=pl, x=x, matchattr=matchattr)
    # plot
    sp::spplot(o, "x", ...)
mbojan/mapoland documentation built on June 6, 2019, 12:27 p.m.