extract_mex_codings: Extract coded text fragments from MEX file

View source: R/extract_codings.R

extract_mex_codingsR Documentation

Extract coded text fragments from MEX file


Extract all coded text fragments from MAXQDA exchange file included, among other things, start and end character positions of each encoded text fragment.





path to the MEX file


Data frame with columns:

  • ID - ID of the fragment

  • TextID - ID of the source document

  • WordID - ID of the codeword

  • Preview - First 63 characters of the coded text fragment

  • start - Position of the initial character of the coded text fragment

  • end - Position of the final character of the coded text fragment

  • file_name - Name of the file with the source text

  • tag - Name of the codeword

  • preview_length - Number of characters in the Preview string

mbojan/maxqdar documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 11:34 p.m.