Man pages for mcanigueral/dutils
Common tools for shiny dashboards dealing with time-series data

adapt_date_rangeSplit the period between start and end dates with a defined...
adapt_df_timezoneAdapt the timezone of a time series dataframe
adapt_yearly_timeseriesAdapt an yearly time series dataframe to timezone and year
aggregate_timeseriesAggregate multiple timeseries columns to a single one
caseSelectorServer function of caseSelector module
caseSelectorUIUI function for caseSelector module
change_timeseries_yearChange the year of a time series data frame keeping the...
date_to_datetime_with_tzConvert date to datetime with a timezone
date_to_timestampConvert date or datetime value to timestamp number
decrease_numeric_resolutionDecrease resolution of a numeric vector
decrease_timeseries_resolutionDecrease time resolution of timeseries data frame
detect_step_loadDetect step load
df_to_tsConvert time-series data.frame to time-series object
dynamodb_delete_df_pyDelete data frame from DynamoDB table
dynamodb_put_df_pyPut data frame to DynamoDB table
dyplotPlot a timeseries data.frame in a Dygraphs HTML plot
fill_datetimeFill NA values of a datetime sequence vector
fill_down_untilFill down tibble columns until a maximum number of time slots
fill_from_pastFill from past values
format_dygraphFormat Dygraphs plot with CSS file and extra options
get_datetime_seqDatetime sequence
get_dynamodb_pyGet DynamoDB boto3 resource
get_dynamo_table_pyGet boto3 DynamoDB Table object
get_inputs_valid_valuesGet numeric inputs values from numericInput module
get_input_valid_valueGet single input value
get_multiple_pv_timeseriesGet PV generation from PVGIS given the latitude and longitude...
get_percentageGet percentage of tibble variables
get_pv_timeseriesGet PV generation from PVGIS given the latitude and longitude...
get_time_resolutionReturn the time resolution of a datetime sequence
get_tmyGet TMY from PVGIS given the latitude and longitude...
get_week_from_datetimeWeek date from datetime value
get_weektime_from_datetimeWeek datetime from datetime value
get_week_totalSummarise dataframe with weekly total column values
increase_datetime_resolutionIncrease datetime vector resolution
increase_numeric_resolutionIncrease numeric vector resolution
increase_timeseries_resolutionIncrease time resolution of a timeseries data frame
interpolationInterpolate 'n' values between two numeric values
kpisServerServer function of kpis module
kpisUIUI functions of kpis module
numericInputsServerServer function of numericInput module
numericInputsUIUI function of numericInput module
parse_python_data_frameParse data frame with Python objects to R object
parse_python_objectPython to R parsing for DynamoDB items
parse_python_objects_listParse a list of Python objects
plot_componentsFunction to plot components according to a configuration...
query_table_pyQuery items from DynamoDB Table given specific partition and...
query_timeseries_data_table_pyQuery table using a timestamp variable as sorting key
round_to_intervalRound to nearest interval
scan_table_pyScan items from DynamoDB Table given specific numeric...
simulate_step_loadSimualte step load
text_infoAdd info icon with a pop-up tip to a label
ticTime difference start function
tocTime difference end function
update_components_by_inputsUpdate a time-series column according to component input
mcanigueral/dutils documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 11:34 a.m.