Man pages for mcbeem/ZPDGrowthTrajectories
Simulate achievement growth trajectories using a theoretical model of academic achievement based on the zone of proximal development

build.home.lookupFunction to build the home growth lookup table called by... to build the school growth lookup table called by...
describeTrajectoriesCreate summary statistics for ZPDGrowthTrajectories
grow.trajectoriesFunction for looping over all the time periods to calculate...
homeFunction to define the home curriculum function Using...
home.growthFunction for calculating the growth during interval t from...
home.growth.rateFunction for calculating growth resulting from home...
max.achievementFunction for calculating the max value that should be...
rescaleTrajectoriesFunction for rescaling achievement
schoolFunction for defining the school curriculum function as a...
school.growthFunction for calculating the baseline growth due to school...
school.growth.rateFunction for calculating growth resulting from school at... for converting the student characteristics into a...
update.achievementFunction for updating the achievement of all students during...
visualizeContextFunction for visualizing the learning context, including the...
visualizeHomeFunction for visualizing the home learning environment.
visualizeSchoolFunction for visualizing the school curriculum.
visualizeTrajectoriesFunction for visualizing trajectories generated by...
visualizeZPDVisualize the zone of proximal development
ZPDFunction to define the ZPD using an Epanechnikov kernel...
ZPDGrowthTrajectoriesFunction for creating simulated growth trajectories from the...
mcbeem/ZPDGrowthTrajectories documentation built on May 18, 2020, 2:04 p.m.