goload-methods: Load Scenario from File

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)


Loads a previously saved fScenario from file and returns a fScenario or fMoments object.


goload(object, ...)



A fScenario or fMoments object which was created with save.output set to TRUE.


not used.


There are times when it is more efficient to save large scenarios to file (particularly when creating them in parallel), rather than returning them to the user workspace. The save.output option in the fscenario and fmoments allows to do just that, returning instead a lighter object with an empty scenario slot, but with the model slot included, containing the details of the location and name of the saved scenario (or moments list). The goload function then takes this object, reads the location and name and loads the scenario (or moments) into its slot in the object and returns this to the user's workspace.


A fScenario or fMoments object with the scenario or moments slot now filled with the saved data from file.


Alexios Ghalanos

mcremene/changedRmgarch2 documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 12:46 a.m.