Man pages for mcrucifix/palinsol
Insolation for Palaeoclimate Studies

AnnualMeanAnnual Mean insolation
astroCompute astronomical parameters in the past or in the future
BER78Tables supplied by BER78 and BER90
calinsCaloric insolation
day2lConverts calendar day into true solar longitude and...
InsolComputes incoming solar radiation (insolation)
Insol_l1l2Time-integrated insolation
LA04Astronomical elements supplied by Laskar et al. 2004
MilankovitchMilankovitch graph for a given astronomical configuration
plot.Milankovitchplot Milankovitch graph
polar_nightBegin and end of the polar night
thrinsIntegrated insolation for all days exceeding a threshold
mcrucifix/palinsol documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:35 a.m.