Man pages for mdavis29/fpTools
Fiscal Period Tools

bacckFillLeadingNasTakes a vector of fiscal or calendar periods and returns a...
calendar.period.mapperThis function creates a vector of length n of calendar...
CPtoCalendarTakes a vector of fiscal or calendar periods and returns a...
FPtoCPConverts a Fiscal Period to to a Caendar Period to a Fiscal...
fptoDateTakes a vector of fiscal or calendar periods and returns a...
fpToolsFPTools a package for manipulationg fiscal periods
growthMetricTakes a vector of fiscal or calendar periods and returns a...
longFormPreformanceTakes a vector of fiscal or calendar periods and returns a...
meanAdjustForecastTakes a vector of fiscal or calendar periods and returns a...
modelPreformancecalculated a bunch of model preformance metrics.
plotForecastPreformanceCalculate Forecast Model Preformance
plotTsDenisitiesplot time series density before and after
ts2lagMatrixBuild Time Series Lag Matrix
mdavis29/fpTools documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:22 p.m.