
#' Study five of Rogers, T. & Milkman, K. L. (2016). Reminders through association. Psychological Science, 27, 973-986.
#' Participants have to answer to many questions (in a 11-page-survey). For 5 questions (indicated by $$ at the beginning of the question), they are told that there is a correct answer and that they will earn $0.06 if they provide this correct answer.
#' At the beginning of the experiment, there are also told that they will earn a $0.60 bonus if they choose the answer E on the last question (whatever this is the correct answer or not).
#' @name Intention
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(Intention)
#' @format
#' \describe{
#'   \item{age}{age}
#'   \item{choice}{Did participants choose to have a reminder? (1 = yes; 0 = no). Note that in conditions 2 and 4, participants had no choices and therefore, 0 is coded for all subjects in these two conditions}
#'   \item{Condition}{
#'   Condition 1 = free-reminder-through-association condition: participants read that they can choose to have (for free) an image of an elephant (presented on screen) that would appear at the bottom of page 11 as a reminder of selecting answer E;
#'   Condition 2 = non condition: no reminders;
#'   Condition 3 = costly-reminder-through-association condition: participants read that if they pay $0.03, an image of an elephant (presented on screen) would appear at the bottom of page 11 as a reminder of selecting answer E
#'   Condition 4 = forced-reminder-through-association condition: participants read that an image of an elephant (presented on screen) would appear at the bottom of page 11 as a reminder of selecting answer E.
#'   }
#'   \item{correct}{Did participants earn $0.60 bonus? (1 = yes; 0 = no)}
#'   \item{dup}{No available information}
#'   \item{fee_for_reminder}{How much was paid for a reminder? ($0.00 or $0.03)}
#'   \item{filter_.}{No available information}
#'   \item{final_problem}{Earned money for answering E on the last question: $0.00 (if E was not selected) or $0.60 (if E was selected)}
#'   \item{gender}{Gender; 0 = male; 1 = female}
#'   \item{id}{participants id}
#'   \item{plus}{Earned money at the beginning ( $0.06 for all participants)}
#'   \item{problem1}{First question for which participants earn a $0.03 bonus if they provide the correct answer}
#'   \item{problem2}{Second question for which participants earn a $0.03 bonus if they provide the correct answer}
#'   \item{problem3}{Third question for which participants earn a $0.03 bonus if they provide the correct answer}
#'   \item{problem4}{Fourth question for which participants earn a $0.03 bonus if they provide the correct answer}
#'   \item{problem5}{Fifth question for which participants earn a $0.03 bonus if they provide the correct answer}
#'   \item{Total_Amount_Earned}{Intention$final_problem minus Intention$fee_for reminder;
#'   They are 4 possibles outcomes: (1) $-0.03, if a reminder was paid and answer E was not selected on the last question;
#'   (2) $0.00, if no reminder was paid and answer E was not selected on the last question;
#'   (3) $0.57, if a reminder was paid and answer E was selected on the last question;
#'   (4) $0.60, is no reminder was paid and answer E was selected on the last question}
#'   \item{Total_Amount_Earned_if.forced.to.pay.for.cue}{equals Intention$Total_Amount_Earned in all but one condition: in condition 1 (free-reminder-through-association condition):
#'   Intention$Total_Amount_Earned_if.forced.to.pay.for.cue= Intention$Total_Amount_Earned - 0.03}
#' }
#' @keywords Reminder, Intention
#' @importFrom stats mahalanobis lm na.omit qchisq
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