Man pages for mdjbru-R-packages/thermPerf
Model fitting for thermal performance curves

averageCurveCalculate an average curve from a list of fits, using the AIC...
buildModelBuild a model object used for model fitting later on
calculateAICCalculate AIC and AIC weights for a list of fits
findCTFind the low and high critical temperatures (CT_low and...
findOptimumFind the optimum performance and the temperature at which it...
fitModelFit a previously built model on some experimental data
fitModelsFit a list of previously built models on some experimental...
getModelLibraryGet model library
interpolateAtTempInterpolate thermal performance using a list of fits
plot.fitListAccepted parameters: xlim, ylim
mdjbru-R-packages/thermPerf documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 11:48 p.m.