This motivation for this package is to ascertain the correct way of testing variations of S3 methods in devtools. When assigning different

Script to replicate the error:

```{r, message = FALSE} if (packageVersion("devtools") < 1.6) { install.packages("devtools") } library(devtools) install_github("mdlee12/cbindtest") library(cbindtest) setwd(system.file(package = "cbindtest")) devtools::test()

This error message pops up:
#### Error message:
```{r, message = FALSE}
wrong value for .Method
1: cbind(x, y) at <C:\package_location\cbindtest/tests/testthat/test-cbind.R:11>
2: cbind(deparse.level, ...)
3: NextMethod("cbind") at <C:\package_location\cbindtest/R/>
4:, ...)
5: NextMethod("cbind") at <C:\package_location\cbindtest/R/>

Other testing approaches that work:

Running the tests using R CMD check doesn't return errors: {r, message = FALSE} test_check("cbindtest") testthat results ================================================================ OK: 2 SKIPPED: 0 FAILED: 0

How can the tests be run using devtools? Is there something missing in the function or documentation?


mdlee12/cbindtest documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:37 p.m.