MD RMarkdown templates


if (!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

Use: In your RStudio session, select "File / New file / R Markdown / From Template ".

Table of content

Code template


A template with Rmd header and footer

Grant template


A template with YAML header containing BibTex bibliography, reference formatting, and Word output template. Includes basic grant structure, and an R code for timeline Gantt chart.

Manuscript template


Track/commit only text files (R, md, Rmd, txt, csv)! Do not commit large binary files (docx, xlsx, pptx, etc.) into GitHub repository. Every time such a file change, it changes completely and gets committed as such. This will grow your GitHub repository very fast. If needed, clean the repository using

Writing tips

Figure tips

Reviewing tips

Xaringan presentation template

A template for a Xaringan HTML presentation. Examples of columns, image/video embedding, panels, footnotes, other tweaks using XaringanExtra. Presentation example.

Building blocks for Xaringan

Xaringan by Yihui Xie is a great package to make good looking and portable presentations.

presentation.Rmd contains YAML settings and basic examples reminding how to insert an image, make two-column slide etc. Example.

Learn more about xaringan Presentations. This example is not meant to be comprehensive.

xaringan-my.css contains .large[], .small[], and .tiny[] formatting styles. xaringan-themer.css is created by xaringanthemer in the corresponding chunk in presentation.Rmd.

xaringanExtra by Garrick Aden-Buie makes the presentations even more flexible.

xaringanBuilder - An R package for building xaringan slides into multiple outputs, including html, pdf, png, gif, pptx, and mp4.

Quarto presentation

No longer using

Beamer presentation template. Example

A template for a PDF presentation using Beamer formatting (theme, color). Examples of slide formatting are at

mdozmorov/MDtemplate documentation built on July 5, 2024, 8:18 a.m.