
Defines functions ibble.trip ibble.SpatialMultiPoints ibble.SpatialPoints ibble.SpatialLines ibble_Lines ibble.Lines ibble.Line ibble.SpatialPolygons ibble_Polygons ibble.Polygons ibble.Polygon

#' @importFrom methods slot

## subobject doesn't make sense at this level
## it's the sequential sum of this that correctly groups polygons within
## multipolygons in SF
ibble.Polygon <- function(x, ...) cbind(nrow = nrow(slot(x, "coords")), ncol = 2L, type = 7L, subobject = slot(x, "hole") == 0L)
ibble.Polygons <- function(x, ...) ibble_Polygons(x, object = 1L, ...)
ibble_Polygons <- function(x, object,  ...) {
  ## see here how we need to call the S3 method directly, not sure ... 2017-12-21
  out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(slot(x, "Polygons"), ibble.Polygon))
  ## subobject is assumed to increment between holes
  ## as it does for sf, any further work needs SPcomment or geometric tests
  ## (or, just convert to sf ...)
  out[, "subobject"] <- cumsum(out[, "subobject"])
  cbind(out, object = object)

ibble.SpatialPolygons <- function(x, ...) {
  gi <- seq_along(x)
  gx <- slot(x, "polygons")

  cbind(do.call(rbind, lapply(gi, function(a) ibble_Polygons(gx[[a]], gi[a]))))

ibble.Line <- function(x, ...) cbind(nrow = nrow(slot(x, "coords")), ncol = 2L, type = 8L)
ibble.Lines <- function(x, object = 1L, ...) ibble_Lines(x, object = object, ...)
ibble_Lines <- function(x, object, ...) {
  out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(slot(x, "Lines"), ibble.Line))
  cbind(out, subobject = 1, object = object)

## see here how we need to call the S3 method directly, not sure ... 2017-12-21
ibble.SpatialLines <- function(x, ...) {
  lines <- slot(x, "lines")
  do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(lines), function(line) ibble.Lines(lines[[line]], line)))


ibble.SpatialPoints <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- cbind(nrow = rep(1L, nrow(slot(x, "coords"))), ncol = 2L, type = 9L)
  cbind(out, object = seq_len(nrow(out)))
ibble.SpatialMultiPoints <- function(x, ...) {
  nr <- unlist(lapply(slot(x, "coords"), function(a) dim(a)[1L]))
  out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(slot(x, "coords"),
                function(a) cbind(nrow = rep(1L, nrow(a)), ncol = 2L, type = 10L)))
 out <- cbind(out, object = rep(seq_along(nr), nr))

ibble.trip <- function(x, ...) {
  ## treat this like multipoint
  tor <- slot(x, "TOR.columns")
  trip_ids <- x[[tor[2L]]]
  cbind(nrow = tapply(trip_ids, trip_ids, length),
        ncol = 3L, type = NA_integer_, object = seq_along(unique(trip_ids)))
mdsumner/gibble documentation built on May 25, 2020, 10:31 a.m.