
subroutine master(x,y,rw,npd,ntot,nadj,madj,eps,delsgs,ndel,delsum,

# Master subroutine:
# One subroutine to rule them all,
# One subroutine to find them.
# One subroutine to bring them all in,
# And in the darkness bind them.

implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
dimension x(-3:ntot), y(-3:ntot)
dimension nadj(-3:ntot,0:madj)
dimension rw(4)
dimension delsgs(6,ndel), dirsgs(10,ndir)
dimension delsum(npd,4), dirsum(npd,3)

# Define one.
one = 1.d0

# Initialize the adjacency list; counts to 0, other entries to -99.
do i = -3,ntot {
	nadj(i,0) = 0
	do j = 1,madj {
		nadj(i,j) = -99

# Put the four ideal points into x and y and the adjacency list.
# The ideal points are given pseudo-coordinates
# (-1,-1), (1,-1), (1,1), and (-1,1).  They are numbered as
#    0       -1      -2         -3
# i.e. the numbers decrease anticlockwise from the
# `bottom left corner'.
x(-3) = -one
y(-3) =  one
x(-2) =  one
y(-2) =  one
x(-1) =  one
y(-1) = -one
x(0)  = -one
y(0)  = -one

do i = 1,4 {
        j = i-4
        k = j+1
        if(k>0) k = -3
	call insrt(j,k,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,nerror,eps)
        if(nerror>0) return

# Put in the first of the point set into the adjacency list.
do i = 1,4 {
        j = i-4
	call insrt(1,j,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,nerror,eps)
        if(nerror>0) return
ntri = 4

# Now add the rest of the point set
do j = 2,npd {
	call addpt(j,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,eps,ntri,nerror)
        if(nerror>0) {
        ntri = ntri + 3

# Obtain the description of the triangulation.
call delseg(delsgs,ndel,nadj,madj,npd,x,y,ntot,nerror)
if(nerror>0) return

call delout(delsum,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,npd,nerror)
if(nerror>0) return

call dirseg(dirsgs,ndir,nadj,madj,npd,x,y,ntot,rw,eps,ntri,nerror)
if(nerror>0) return
call dirout(dirsum,nadj,madj,x,y,ntot,npd,rw,eps,nerror)
mdsumner/gibble documentation built on May 25, 2020, 10:31 a.m.