oceandata-grids: Standard Mapped Image

Description Usage Arguments Details


SMI is the Standard Mapped Image, a longitude-latitude affine grid at zonally-native resolution. See details.


bin_smi(bins, value, platform = "MODISA")



bin index values


values with bins


name of platform, e.g. MODISA, SeaWiFS


SeaWiFS is 2160 rows for 9.2 km resolution MODISA is 4320 rows for 4.6 km resolution (also provided in 9.2km) VIIRS is 4320 rows like MODIS. The zonal spread of the L3 bins is applied to the longitude-latitude regular grid by _a simple method that changed slightly in 2017 ..._ is trivial but inherently lossy. The initial focus of 'roc' on the L3 bins was precisely to put focus on the statistical fidelity features of the L3 bins, as per Technical Report No. 32.

(There's no reason to differentiate MODISA and MODIST in terms of the grid it's just that this token was chosen to distinguish from SeaWiFS in the first versions, and this might be generalized in future).

mdsumner/roc documentation built on May 22, 2019, 5:05 p.m.