Man pages for medewitt/conethemes
This Package Provides Some Common Themes for the Moses Cone Brand Identity

add_axisThe Cone Health ggplot2 theme
add_pic_logoDraw Cone Health Logo
add_text_logoThe Urban Institute ggplot2 theme
cone_logo_picDraw Cone Health Logo
cone_logo_textThe Urban Institute ggplot2 theme
fontawesome_installImport and register Lato font
fontawesome_testTest for FontAwesome import and registration
geom_barThese are just really good defaults geom_bar in the Urban...
geom_colgeom_col in the Urban Institute style
geom_jittergeom_jitter in the Urban Institute style
geom_linegeom_line in the Urban Institute style
geom_pathgeom_path in the Urban Institute style
geom_pointgeom_point in the Urban Institute style
geom_stepgeom_step in the Urban Institute style
geom_textgeom_point in the Urban Institute style
lato_installImport and register Lato font
lato_testTest for Lato import and registration
remove_axisThe Cone Health ggplot2 theme
remove_ticksThe Cone Health ggplot2 theme
scale_color_discreteDiscrete color scale that aligns with the Urban Institute...
scale_color_gradientnContinuous fill scale that aligns with the Urban Institute...
scale_colour_discreteDiscrete color scale that aligns with the Urban Institute...
scale_colour_gradientnContinuous fill scale that aligns with the Cone Health style
scale_colour_ordinalDiscrete color scale for ordinal factors that aligns with the...
scale_fill_discreteDiscrete fill scale that aligns with the Urban Institute...
scale_fill_gradientnContinuous fill scale that aligns with the Cone Health style
scale_fill_ordinalDiscrete fill scale for ordinal factors that aligns with the...
set_cone_defaultsThe Cone Health ggplot2 theme
theme_cone_printA ggplot2 theme formatted in the Urban Institute style
urbn_color_palThe Urban Institute [ggplot2] theme
urbn_palettesUrban Institute palettes updated with Moses Cone Colors
medewitt/conethemes documentation built on Sept. 2, 2019, 1:28 a.m.