Man pages for medewitt/datademon
This package calls some stock functions for use for data analysis

ArialNarrowArial Narrow font name R variable aliases
check_missingcheck missing
chi_square_plotterChi Square Plotter
grayplot_naCredits to KArl Broman Scatterplot with missing values...
install_depInstall Dependent Packages
make_formatted_titleggplot2 Title Break Make
make_survey_keymake survey key
make_wellbeing_chartsMAke Wellbeing Likert Chart
my_esMy Effect Size Calculation
my_es_2My Effect Size Calculation Two
range_scaleA function to scale values based on ranges rather than...
scale_wakeDiscrete color & fill scales based on the ipsum palette
scale_wellnessDiscrete color & fill scales based on the wellness palette
scale_x_percentX & Y scales with opinionated pre-sets for percent & comma...
survey_sampleSample Survey Responses
theme_wakeA precise & pristine ggplot2 theme with opinionated defaults...
theme_wellbeingA precise & pristine ggplot2 theme with opinionated defaults...
update_geom_font_defaultsUpdate matching font defaults for text geoms
visual_predictive_power_timeBinary Predictive Power over Time
wake_palWake Forest Branded Color Pallete
wellness_palWake Forest Branded Color Pallete
which_testWhat Frequentist Test?
wtd_varweighted variance from Hmisc
medewitt/datademon documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:40 a.m.