Man pages for meekj/netblockr
Lookup IPv4 address in table of netblocks with mutliple netmasks

nbBuildNetblockTableLoad netblock data into a table. Returns a pointer to the...
nbGetNetblockTableDumps netblock data table into a data frame
nbLoadNetworkBuild a network description table from a data frame.
nbLookupIPaddrsLookup IPv4 address in a netblock table
nbReadAndLoadNetworkRead a file with netblocks in CIDR format and a free form...
nbReadAndValidateValidate a network description file
nbReadNetworkBuild a data frame from a network description file for later...
nbSetMaskOrderAdd the unique netmasks to the table in the desired search...
netblockr-packageA short title line describing what the package does
meekj/netblockr documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 9:37 p.m.