Man pages for meirelesff/rScielo
A Scraper for Scientific Journals Hosted on Scielo

get_articleScrape text from a single article hosted on Scielo
get_article_footnotesScrape footnotes from a single article hosted on Scielo
get_article_idGet the ID of a scientific article hosted on Scielo
get_article_metaScrape meta-data from a single article hosted on Scielo
get_article_referencesScrape bibliographic references from a single article hosted...
get_journalScrape meta-data from articles published by a journal hosted...
get_journal_idGet the ID of a journal hosted on Scielo
get_journal_infoScrape the description of a journal hosted on Scielo
get_journal_listScrape a list with all the journals hosted on Scielo
get_journal_metricsScrape publication and citation counts of a journal hosted on...
rscielo-packagerscielo: A Scraper for Scientific Journals Hosted on Scielo
meirelesff/rScielo documentation built on Nov. 18, 2021, 9:57 a.m.