Man pages for melmasri/traveltimeHMM
Estimate and predict travel time on road networks

forwardbackComputing the posterior marginals of hidden state variables...
gaussian_param_by_factorCalculate the parameters of Gaussian speeds
getValidEGet an appropriate value for 'logE'
initial_estCommpute initial state probabilites
miscMiscellaneous functions for package traveltimeHMM
normalizeRNormalize each row of a matrix by the sum of its elements
normalizeVNormalize a vector by the sum of its elements
order_statesOrder manually the states vector
predict.traveltimeHMMPredict the travel time for a trip using a 'traveltimeHMM'...
predict.traveltimeHMM.HMMPredict the travel time for a trip using a 'traveltimeHMM'...
predict.traveltimeHMM.no_dependencePredict the travel time for a trip using a 'traveltimeHMM'...
rules2timebinsConverts a list of human readable rules to a functional that...
time_binsA mapping from real time to time bins
time_bins_functionalTransforms a list of rules to a functional
time_bins_readableA simple example of time bins function that is human...
tmat_estCompute transition matrix probabilities
to7daybinsConverts a list time bins rules to a table of rules for each...
traveltimeHMMEstimate trip- and link- specific speed parameters from...
tripsetA sample of 4914 trips over Quebec City in 2014
melmasri/traveltimeHMM documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 10:30 p.m.