
# make_data <- function(n) {
#   lst <- list()
#   for (i in 1:n) {
#     nr <- sample(1:20, 1)
#     tmp <- data.frame(
#       Freq = rep(sample(1:5, 1), nr),
#       Sequence = seq(1, nr),
#       Stations = sample(LETTERS, nr, replace = TRUE),
#       stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#     )
#     lst[[i]] <- tmp
#   }
#   lst <- dplyr::bind_rows(lst)
#   return(lst)
# }
# data <- make_data(100)
# # Much fater method of duplicatting data fram rows.
# # Need to check that sequences always start with a 1
# # Need to produce and index for duplication i.e. 1st duplication, second duplication etc
# duplicated_ids <- function(Freq, Sequence) {
#   row <- seq(1, length(Freq))
#   row_start <- row[Sequence == 1] # Check the Sequneces always start at 1
#   row_end <- row_start - 1
#   row_end <- c(row_end[seq(2, length(row_end))], length(row))
#   freq_start <- Freq[row_start]
#   inputs <- matrix(c(row_start, row_end, freq_start), ncol = 3)
#   int_func <- function(start, end, freq) {
#     rep(seq(start, end), times = freq)
#   }
#   ids <- mapply(FUN = int_func, start = row_start, end = row_end, freq = freq_start)
#   ids <- unlist(ids)
# }
# ids <- duplicated_ids(Freq = data$Freq, Sequence = data$Sequence)
# data2 <- data[ids, ]
# index <- sapply(1:length(ids), function(i) sum(ids[i] == ids[1:i]))
# plot(ids)
mem48/UK2GTFS documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 6:05 p.m.