
MojoscrapeR is a web scraper for It easily downloads revenue data on films.


Type devtools::install_github("meneos/mojoscrapeR")in your R console.

How to use mojoscrapeR

At the moment mojoscrapeR is composed of three functions: one to scrap box office data of each day given a time interval, another one to extract information from a set of movies given a string of film ids, and a third one to scrap the domestic ranking of Use the cpi argument to retrieve inflation adjusted revenue data. Set the cpi argument to the base year you want to adjust.


Given a time interval mojo() function will scrap daily box office data. Use the cpi argument to retrieve inflation adjusted revenue data. Set the cpi argument to the base year you want to adjust. Set the cpi argument to the base year you want to adjust (if 1 is selected it will retrieve the estimated number of tickets sold). The ruta argument is used to specify a path in your computer where you want to create the csv file.

For example:

mojo(from = "2018-01-31", to = "2018-31-01", cpi = 2018)


Given a string of movie ids movieinfo()will scrap info for each film. The simplest way of getting a set of movie ids is using the id column of the csv resultant of mojo() or domesticRank() functions. Use the cpi argument to retrieve inflation adjusted revenue data. Set the cpi argument to the base year you want to adjust (if 1 is selected it will retrieve the estimated number of tickets sold). The ruta argument is used to specify a path in your computer where you want to create the csv file.

For example:
# Creates a string variable with all the star wars films id's
starwars <-c("starwars8","starwars2016","starwars7","starwars3","starwars2","starwars","starwars6","starwars5","starwars4","starwarsepisodeix")

# scrap scrap


# Add the resultant csv of scraping with mojo function
data <- read.csv(".../mojo.csv")

#scrap scrap

# or with cpi adjusted
movieinfo(data$id, cpi = 2018)


With this function you can create a summary csv of the domestic ranking. The only mandatory argument of the function is the number of pages you want to scrap. The ruta argument is used to specify a path in your computer where you want to create the csv file.

For example:
# This will scrap the first ten pages of the domestic ranking (1.000 titles)

meneos/mojoscrapeR documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:31 a.m.