knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = T, comment = "#>", root.dir = 'vignettes')
options(tibble.print_min = 4L, tibble.print_max = 4L, rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

Last updated on: r format(Sys.Date(), '%d %B, %Y')

Installation from GitHub

The package is not available at CRAN. It needs to be installed from GitHub. Please use this command to install it.


You may need to install the remotes package first.

List of diseases/cause and their upper limit

The first column disease specifies the supported diseases in the package. The other three columns, which are outcome types (fatal, non-fatal and fatal-and-non-fatal), show the last knot (based on the available data points) for the specific disease. We don't have confidence that our meta-analysis is reliable after this point, and assumes an onward flat relationship. Whenever a disease such as all-cause-cvd doesn't have an outcome type non-fatal, it will be NA. More will follow in the next section.


dtable <- readr::read_csv('../inst/extdata/75p_diseases.csv')

kbl(dtable) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))


Load the package


Get dose response relationship

Get response for dose 40 for all-cause-cvd with the default quantile 0.5 and censoring at doubling of WHO's recommended level of physical activity for adults (17.5 MMETs hours per week).

The quantile's value is between 0 and 1 [excluding the boundary values]

drpa::dose_response(cause = 'all-cause-cvd', outcome_type = 'fatal-and-non-fatal', dose = 40, 
                    quantile = 0.5, confidence_intervals = T, censor_method = 'WHO-DRL')


Description of the arguments are mentioned below:

| Argument | Description | |-----------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | cause | All-cause-mortality or disease name | | outcome_type | Either one of the three possibilities for outcome type: fatal, non-fatal or fatal-and-non-fatal | | dose | Dose (all-cause or disease) | | quantile | Numeric value between 0 and 1 - default is 0.5. This captures the range of dose values between lower and upper confidence levels. | | censor_method | This determines whether any censor method applies to the dose-response relationship. There are four possibilities: none, 75thPercentile(to use 75th percentile using person years), WHO-DRL (WHO's recommended physical activity per week 8.75 when doubled, so 17.5 MMETs hours per week) or WHO-QRL (WHO's recommended physical activity per week 8.75 when quadrupled, so 35 MMETs hours per week) . The default value is WHO-DRL - a fixed censor point at 17.5 after which the relationship remains the same. | | confidence_intervals | Boolean variable to determine whether confidence intervals are returned or not - default false |

meta-analyses/drpa documentation built on Nov. 6, 2023, 5:06 a.m.