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  collapse = TRUE,
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opts_template$set(stripfigure = list(fig.height = 8, out.width = "95%"))


A scraping and aggregating package using the CollegeFootballData API

cfbscrapR is an R package for working with CFB data. It is an R API wrapper around It provides users the capability to retrieve data from a plethora of endpoints and supplement that data with additional information (Expected Points Added/Win Probability added).

Note: The API ingests data from ESPN as well as other sources. For details on those source, please go the website linked above. Sometimes there are inconsistencies in the underlying data itself. Please report issues here or to


You can install cfbscrapR from GitHub with:

# Then can install using the devtools package from either of the following:
devtools::install_github(repo = "saiemgilani/cfbscrapR")
# or the following (these are the exact same packages):
devtools::install_github(repo = "meysubb/cfbscrapR")


For more information on the package and function reference, please see the cfbscrapR documentation website.

Expected Points and Win Probability models

If you would like to learn more about the Expected Points and Win Probability models, please refer to the cfbscrapR tutorials or for the code repository where the models are built, click here

Expected Points model calibration plots

(~~1.31%~~ ~~1.15%~~ 0.94% Calibration Error)


Win Probability model calibration plots

(~~0.89%~~ ~~0.787%~~ 0.669% Calibration Error)


cfbscrapR 1.0.4

cfbscrapR 1.0.3

Our Contributors (they're awesome)

Special Thanks

meysubb/cfbscrapR documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 11:26 p.m.