Man pages for mfherman/nycgeo
Spatial Data Files for NYC

block_census_dataBlock-level Decennial Census counts
block_sfNYC census block boundaries
borough_acs_dataBorough-level American Community Survey estimates
borough_sfNYC borough boundaries
cd_sfNYC community district boundaries
cong_sfU.S Congressional district boundaries in NYC
council_sfNYC city council district boundaries
nta_acs_dataNeighborhood tabulation area-level American Community Survey...
nta_sfNYC neighborhood tabulation area boundaries
nyc_boundariesGet NYC administrative boundaries and census data
nycgeo-packagenycgeo: Spatial Data Files for NYC
nyc_point_polyFind which administrative districts a set of points are...
nyc_point_poly_oldFind which administrative districts a set of points are...
police_sfNYC police precinct boundaries
puma_acs_dataPublic use microdata area-level American Community Survey...
puma_sfNYC public use microdata area boundaries
school_sfNYC school district boundaries
tract_acs_dataTract-level American Community Survey estimates
tract_sfNYC census tract boundaries
mfherman/nycgeo documentation built on May 3, 2019, 1:34 p.m.