nta_acs_data: Neighborhood tabulation area-level American Community Survey...

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A dataset containing U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) estimates and margins of error of selected demographic, social, and economic variables for all neighborhood tabulation areas (NTAs) in New York City. Variables are five-year tract-level estimates from the 2013-2017 ACS aggregated to NTAs. Six of the 195 NTAs cover parks, cemeteries, and airports and do not have any population. They are not included in this dataset.




A tibble with 189 rows and 27 variables:


Census Bureau GEOID


Total population estimate; B01001_001

pop_white_est, pop_white_pct_est

Non-hispanic white population estimate; B03002_003

pop_white_moe, pop_white_pct_moe

Non-hispanic white population margin of error; B03002_003

pop_black_est, pop_black_pct_est

Non-hispanic black population estimate; B03002_004

pop_black_moe, pop_black_pct_moe

Non-hispanic black population margin of error; B03002_004

pop_asian_est, pop_asian_pct_est

Non-hispanic asian population estimate; B03002_006

pop_asian_moe, pop_asian_pct_moe

Non-hispanic asian population margin of error; B03002_006

pop_hisp_est, pop_hisp_pct_est

Hispanic, any race population estimate; B03002_012

pop_hisp_moe, pop_hisp_pct_moe

Hispanic, any race population margin of error; B03002_012

pop_ba_above_est, pop_ba_above_pct_est

Population 25 years or older with at least a Bachelor's degree estimate; B15003_022, B15003_023, B15003_024, B15003_025

pop_ba_above_moe, pop_ba_above_pct_moe

Population 25 years or older with at least a Bachelor's degree margin of error; B15003_022, B15003_023, B15003_024, B15003_025


Population 25 years or older estimate; Denominator used to calculate Bachelor's and above percentage; B15003_001


Population 25 years or older margin of error; Denominator used to calculate Bachelor's and above percentage; B15003_001

pop_inpov_est, pop_inpov_pct_est

Population with income below poverty line estimate; B17021_002

pop_inpov_moe, pop_inpov_pct_moe

Population with income below poverty line margin of error; B17021_002


Population for whom poverty status is determined estimate; Denominator used to calculate in poverty percentage; B17021_001


Population for whom poverty status is determined margin of error; Denominator used to calculate in poverty percentage; B17021_001


NTAs were created by the NYC Department of City Planning to project populations at a small area level. The boundaries roughly match neighborhoods, but some neighborhoods were combined to reach the minimum population of 15,000 per NTA. Each NTA was created from whole census tracts to allow for aggregating census data to the NTA level. Additionally, NTAs do not cross public use microdata area (PUMA) boundaries.

NTAs are useful geographies because they offer a compromise between very small areas like census blocks or tracts and larger areas like counties, community districts, or PUMAs. Especially when using data from the American Community Survey, NTAs can be useful to reduce the margin of error of single census tract estimates.



mfherman/nycgeo documentation built on May 3, 2019, 1:34 p.m.