Man pages for mforlin/LINCSdataportal
Query LINCS project data and metadata from LINCS Data Portal

cell_metadataRetrieve metadata associated with a cell (cl) used in LINCS...
datalevelsRetrieve all available data level and associated dataset id...
dataset_entitiesRetrieve entities (gene, protein, small molecule, etc.)...
download_datasetDownload LINCS dataset packages, given dataset id's, from...
find_datasetRetrieve datasets from LINCS data portal associated with a...
gene_metadataRetrieve metadata associated with a gene measured in LINCS...
protein_metadataRetrieve metadata associated with a protein measured or used...
SM_metadataRetrieve metadata associated with a Small Molecule (SM) used...
mforlin/LINCSdataportal documentation built on May 22, 2019, 8:52 p.m.