eda_trim: Trims vector and dataframe objects

View source: R/trim.R

eda_trimR Documentation

Trims vector and dataframe objects


Removes records from either tail-ends of a sorted dataset. Trimming can be performed by number of records (specify the num = option) or by quantiles (specify the prop= option).

eda_trim Trims a vector
eda_trim_df Trims a data frame
eda_ltrim Left-trims a vector
eda_rtrim Right-trims a vector
eda_ltrim_df Left-trims a dataframe
eda_rtrim_df Right-trims a dataframe


eda_trim(x, prop = 0.05, num = 0)

eda_trim_df(dat, x, prop = 0.05, num = 0)

eda_ltrim(x, prop = 0.05, num = 0)

eda_ltrim_df(dat, x, prop = 0.05, num = 0)

eda_rtrim(x, prop = 0.05, num = 0)

eda_rtrim_df(dat, x, prop = 0.05, num = 0)



Vector of values (if trimming a vector) or the column whose values are used to trim a dataframe (applies to *_df functions only)


Fraction of values to trim


Number of values to trim


Dataframe (applies to *_df functions only)


  • The input dataset does not need to be sorted (sorting is performed in the functions).

  • If num is set to zero, then the function will assume that the trimming is to be done by fraction (defined by the prop parameter).

  • If eda_trim or eda_trim_df functions are called, the num and prop values apply to each tail. For example, if num = 5 then the 5 smallest AND 5 largest values are removed from the data.

  • NA values must be stripped from the input vector or column elements before running the trim functions.

  • Elements are returned sorted on the trimmed elements.


Returns the same data type as the input (i.e. vector or dataframe)


# Trim a vector by 10% (i.e. 10% of the smallest and 10% of the largest
# values)
eda_trim( mtcars[,1], prop=0.1)

# Trim a data frame by 10% using the mpg column(i.e. 10% of the smallest
# and 10% of the largest mpg values)
eda_trim_df( mtcars, mpg, prop=0.1)

mgimond/tukeyedar documentation built on Feb. 1, 2025, 4:02 a.m.