Man pages for mhahsler/rMSA
Interface for Popular Multiple Sequence Alignment Tools

boxshadeBoxshade: Shading Multiple Aligned Sequences
c2sConvenience Functions to Convert Strings to Character Vectors
clustalRun Multiple Sequence Alignment (ClustalW) on a Set of...
distCalculate Distances between Sets of Sequences
kalignMultiple Sequence Alignment (Kalign)
mafftRun Multiple Sequence Alignment (MAFFT) on a Set of Sequences
MUSCLERun Multiple Sequence Alignment (MUSCLE) on a Set of...
mutationsCreates Random Mutations of a Sequence
plotPlot Genetic Sequences and Alignments
random_sequencesCreate a Set of Random Sequences
simRankCompute the SimRank Similarity between Sets of Sequences
mhahsler/rMSA documentation built on May 24, 2024, 3:36 p.m.