Man pages for mhils/shortestpath
Shortest Path Algorithm Visualization

as.spgraphCoerce to a shortest path graph
aStarSearchA*-Search Algorithm
bellmanFordBellman-Ford Algorithm
dijkstraDijkstra Algorithm
floydWarshallFloyd-Warshall Algorithm
getShortestPathsGet the shortest path between two vertices.
graphModificationGraph Modification
is.spgraphCheck whether an object is a shortest path graph
is.spresultsCheck whether an object is a shortest path result object
nice_vertex_label_colorsProduce a vector of suitable vector colors depending on the...
nice_vertex_labelsProduce "name (current min dist)" labels for all vertices.
plot.spgraphPlotting of shortest path graphs
print.spgraphPrint graphs to the terminal
print.spresultsPrint spresults to the terminal
randomGraphRandom Graph Generation
removeIntersectingEdgesRemove edge intersections
sample_average_k_connected_graphCreate a random regular graph
shortestpathThe shortestpath package
spresultsConvert a list of graphs into an spresults object.
toLatexGraphExport spgraphs as human-readable TikZ graphs.
mhils/shortestpath documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 3:19 p.m.