library(PatientLevelPrediction) knitr::opts_chunk$set( cache=FALSE, comment = "#>", error = FALSE, tidy = FALSE)
ATLAS can be used to design a prediction study and create an R package. However, sometimes you may wish to add extra features that are not available in ATLAS. In this guide you will find insructions for designing and creating R packages outside of ATLAS (with additional features).
The additional features include:
The components that are needed are:
targets <- data.frame(targetId = c(16425,16377,16387), cohortId = c(16425,16377,16387), targetName = c('diabetes','liver issues','fall'))
outcomes <- data.frame(outcomeId = c(16428,16435), cohortId = c(16428,16435), outcomeName = c('congestive heart failure','afib'))
We currently only support ATLAS cohorts as the corresponding json specifications will be inserted into the study package so people can create these when executing the study. If you want to add custom SQL that is possible but will require manually editing the generated study package.
populationSettings <- list(PatientLevelPrediction::createStudyPopulationSettings(riskWindowEnd = 365), PatientLevelPrediction::createStudyPopulationSettings(riskWindowEnd = 730))
modelList <- list(list("LassoLogisticRegressionSettings" = list("variance" = 0.01)), list("AdaBoostSettings" = list("nEstimators" = c(25,50), "learningRate" = 0.1)) )
covariateSettings <- list(list(list(fnct = 'createCovariateSettings', settings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = T)), list(fnct = 'createCohortCovariateSettings', settings = list(covariateName = 'test', covariateId = 16442956, cohortId = 16442, startDay=-30, endDay=0, count=F, ageInteraction = F))), list(fnct = 'createCovariateSettings', settings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = T)) )
resrictOutcomePops <- data.frame(outcomeId = c(16428,16435), populationSettingId = c(1,2))
or certainb models to covariate settings.
resrictModelCovs = data.frame(modelSettingId = c(1,1,2), covariateSettingId = c(1,2,1))
Then finally in the design you need to specify the training split and whether you want to normalise covarites or filter redundant ones.
executionSettings <- list(washoutPeriod = 365, minCovariateFraction = 0.001, normalizeData = T, testSplit = "stratified", testFraction = 0.25, splitSeed = 1250, nfold = 3)
For the json creation you will need to source the code found at: to load the function 'createDevelopmentStudyJson'.
webApi <- ''
Settings for the study package - packageName - a string that will be the name of the R package e.g., 'exampleStudy' - packageDescription - a string describing the study e.g., 'an example of the skeleton' - createdBy - a string specifying who created the study 'add name' - organizationName - a string specifying the organization of the study creator 'add organization' - outputLocation - a location where the json settings will be saved e.g., 'D:/testing/' - jsonName - a string specifying the name of the json settings when it is saved e.g., 'predictionAnalysisList.json'
You can then use these components to generate the json settings that specify the prediction study by running (this will return the json object and also save it to a file named
json <- createDevelopmentStudyJson(packageName = 'exampleStudy', packageDescription = 'an example of the skeleton', createdBy = 'add name', organizationName = 'add organization', targets = targets, outcomes = outcomes, populationSettings = populationSettings, modelList = modelList, covariateSettings = covariateSettings, resrictOutcomePops = resrictOutcomePops, resrictModelCovs = resrictModelCovs, executionSettings = executionSettings, webApi = webApi, outputLocation = 'D:/testing', jsonName = 'predictionAnalysisList.json')
You can now use Hydra and the json you created to generate an R package for you study. You need to load the settings by specifying where the json you previously created is saved, for example if when running 'createDevelopmentStudyJson' you set outputLocation = 'D:/testing' and jsonName = 'predictionAnalysisList.json' then you would run:
specifications <- Hydra::loadSpecifications(file.path('D:/testing', 'predictionAnalysisList.json'))
Then execute Hydra using the specification and tell hydra where you want the package created, for example if I wanted the R package created at 'D:/testing/package' then I would run:
Hydra::hydrate(specifications = specifications, outputFolder = 'D:/testing/package')
After completing steps 1-3 above you will now have your R study package found in the location specified. This package is ready to execute, but you can also make customisations.
# code to create the json prediction: webApi = 'https://yourWebAPI' populationSettings <- list(PatientLevelPrediction::createStudyPopulationSettings(riskWindowEnd = 365), PatientLevelPrediction::createStudyPopulationSettings(riskWindowEnd = 730)) modelList <- list(list("LassoLogisticRegressionSettings" = list("variance" = 0.01)), list("AdaBoostSettings" = list("nEstimators" = c(25,50), "learningRate" = 0.1)) ) covariateSettings <- list(list(list(fnct = 'createCovariateSettings', settings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = T)), list(fnct = 'createCohortCovariateSettings', settings = list(covariateName = 'test', covariateId = 16442956, cohortId = 16442, startDay=-30, endDay=0, count=F, ageInteraction = F))), list(fnct = 'createCovariateSettings', settings = FeatureExtraction::createCovariateSettings(useDemographicsGender = T)) ) resrictOutcomePops <- data.frame(outcomeId = c(16428,16435), populationSettingId = c(1,2)) resrictModelCovs = data.frame(modelSettingId = c(1,1,2), covariateSettingId = c(1,2,1)) executionSettings <- list(washoutPeriod = 365, minCovariateFraction = 0.001, normalizeData = T, testSplit = "stratified", testFraction = 0.25, splitSeed = 1250, nfold = 3) json <- createDevelopmentStudyJson(packageName = 'exampleStudy', packageDescription = 'an example of the skeleton', createdBy = 'add name', organizationName = 'add organization', targets = data.frame(targetId = c(16425,16377,16387), cohortId = c(16425,16377,16387), targetName = c('diabetes','liver issues','fall')), outcomes = data.frame(outcomeId = c(16428,16435), cohortId = c(16428,16435), outcomeName = c('congestive heart failure','afib')), populationSettings = populationSettings, modelList = modelList, covariateSettings = covariateSettings, resrictOutcomePops = resrictOutcomePops, resrictModelCovs = resrictModelCovs, executionSettings = executionSettings, webApi = webApi, outputLocation = 'D:/testing', jsonName = 'predictionAnalysisList.json') specifications <- Hydra::loadSpecifications(file.path('D:/testing', 'predictionAnalysisList.json')) Hydra::hydrate(specifications = specifications, outputFolder = 'D:/testing/package')
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.