
#' Sample response from Google Maps Directions API
#' XML documents with \strong{driving} directions from Tel-Aviv to Haifa
#' @format A \code{list} obtained using \code{as_list} on XML response
#' @note See \code{\link{response_directions_transit}} for Directions API response with \strong{transit} directions
#' @examples
#' library(xml2)
#' doc = as_xml_document(response_directions_driving)


#' Sample response from Google Maps Directions API
#' XML documents with \strong{transit} directions from New-York to Boston
#' @format A \code{list} obtained using \code{as_list} on XML response
#' @note See \code{\link{response_directions_driving}} for Directions API response with \strong{driving} directions
#' @examples
#' library(xml2)
#' doc = as_xml_document(response_directions_transit)


#' Sample response from Google Maps Distance Matrix API
#' An XML document with a distance matrix for driving between three locations: Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Beer-Sheva
#' @format A \code{list} obtained using \code{as_list} on XML response
#' @examples
#' library(xml2)
#' doc = as_xml_document(response_matrix)


#' Sample response from Google Maps Geocode API
#' An XML document with a geocoded location for the address "Tel-Aviv"
#' @format A \code{list} obtained using \code{as_list} on XML response
#' @examples
#' library(xml2)
#' doc = list("Tel-Aviv" = as_xml_document(response_geocode))


#' Sample response from Maps Static API (as 'stars' raster)
#' A \code{stars} raster with a static image of Beer-Sheva from the Maps Static API
#' @format A \code{stars} raster with two dimensions \code{x} and \code{y} and a color table
#' @examples
#' library(stars)
#' plot(response_map)

michaeldorman/mapsapi documentation built on July 31, 2023, 12:09 a.m.