SVF: Sky View Factor (SVF) calculation

SVFR Documentation

Sky View Factor (SVF) calculation


Calculates the Sky View Factor (SVF) at given points or complete grid (location), taking into account obstacles outline (obstacles) given by a polygonal layer with a height attribute (obstacles_height_field).


## S4 method for signature 'SpatialPoints'
  res_angle = 5,
  b = 0.01,
  parallel = getOption("mc.cores")

## S4 method for signature 'Raster'
  res_angle = 5,
  b = 0.01,
  parallel = getOption("mc.cores")



A SpatialPoints* or Raster* object, specifying the location(s) for which to calculate logical shadow values. If location is SpatialPoints*, then it can have 2 or 3 dimensions. A 2D SpatialPoints* is considered as a point(s) on the ground, i.e. 3D point(s) where z=0. In a 3D SpatialPoints* the 3rd dimension is assumed to be elevation above ground z (in CRS units). Raster* cells are considered as ground locations


A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object specifying the obstacles outline


Name of attribute in obstacles with extrusion height for each feature


Circular sampling resolution, in decimal degrees. Default is 5 degrees, i.e. 0, 5, 10... 355.


Buffer size when joining intersection points with building outlines, to determine intersection height


Number of parallel processes or a predefined socket cluster. With parallel=1 uses ordinary, non-parallel processing. Parallel processing is done with the parallel package


A numeric value between 0 (sky completely obstructed) and 1 (sky completely visible).

  • If input location is a SpatialPoints*, then returned object is a vector where each element representing the SVF for each point in location

  • If input location is a Raster*, then returned object is a RasterLayer where cell values express SVF for each ground location


SVF calculation for each view direction follows the following equation -

1 - (sin(\beta))^2

Where \beta is the highest elevation angle (see equation 3 in Gal & Unger 2014).


Erell, E., Pearlmutter, D., & Williamson, T. (2012). Urban microclimate: designing the spaces between buildings. Routledge.

Gal, T., & Unger, J. (2014). A new software tool for SVF calculations using building and tree-crown databases. Urban Climate, 10, 594-606.


## Individual locations
# location0 = rgeos::gCentroid(build)
location0 = as(sf::st_centroid(sf::st_union(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(build)))), "Spatial")
location1 = raster::shift(location0, 0, -15)
location2 = raster::shift(location0, -10, 20)
locations = rbind(location1, location2)
svfs = SVF(
  location = locations,
  obstacles = build,
  obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT"
plot(locations, add = TRUE)
raster::text(locations, round(svfs, 2), col = "red", pos = 3)

## Not run: 

## Grid
ext = as(raster::extent(build), "SpatialPolygons")
r = raster::raster(ext, res = 5)
proj4string(r) = proj4string(build)
pnt = raster::rasterToPoints(r, spatial = TRUE)
svfs = SVF(
    location = r,
    obstacles = build,
    obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
    parallel = 3
plot(svfs, col = grey(seq(0.9, 0.2, -0.01)))
raster::contour(svfs, add = TRUE)
plot(build, add = TRUE, border = "red")

## 3D points
# ctr = rgeos::gCentroid(build)
ctr = as(sf::st_centroid(sf::st_union(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(build)))), "Spatial")
heights = seq(0, 28, 1)
loc3d = data.frame(
    x = coordinates(ctr)[, 1],
    y = coordinates(ctr)[, 2],
    z = heights
coordinates(loc3d) = ~ x + y + z
proj4string(loc3d) = proj4string(build)
svfs = SVF(
    location = loc3d,
    obstacles = build,
    obstacles_height_field = "BLDG_HT",
    parallel = 3
plot(heights, svfs, type = "b", xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "SVF", ylim = c(0, 1))
abline(v = build$BLDG_HT, col = "red")

## Example from Erell et al. 2012 (p. 19 Fig. 1.2)

# Geometry
# pol1 = rgeos::readWKT("POLYGON ((0 100, 1 100, 1 0, 0 0, 0 100))")
pol1 = as(sf::st_as_sfc("POLYGON ((0 100, 1 100, 1 0, 0 0, 0 100))"), "Spatial")
# pol2 = rgeos::readWKT("POLYGON ((2 100, 3 100, 3 0, 2 0, 2 100))")
pol2 = as(sf::st_as_sfc("POLYGON ((2 100, 3 100, 3 0, 2 0, 2 100))"), "Spatial")
pol = sp::rbind.SpatialPolygons(pol1, pol2, makeUniqueIDs = TRUE)
pol = sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(pol, data.frame(h = c(1, 1)), match.ID = FALSE)
# pnt = rgeos::readWKT("POINT (1.5 50)")
pnt = as(sf::st_as_sfc("POINT (1.5 50)"), "Spatial")
plot(pol, col = "grey", xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(45, 55))
plot(pnt, add = TRUE, col = "red")

# Fig. 1.2 reproduction
h = seq(0, 2, 0.1)
svf = rep(NA, length(h))
for(i in 1:length(h)) {
  pol$h = h[i]
  svf[i] = SVF(location = pnt, obstacles = pol, obstacles_height_field = "h", res_angle = 1)
plot(h, svf, type = "b", ylim = c(0, 1))

# Comparison with SVF values from the book
test = c(1, 0.9805806757, 0.9284766909, 0.8574929257, 0.7808688094,
0.7071067812, 0.6401843997, 0.5812381937, 0.52999894, 0.4856429312,
0.4472135955, 0.4138029443, 0.3846153846, 0.3589790793, 0.336336397,
0.316227766, 0.2982749931, 0.282166324, 0.2676438638, 0.2544932993,
range(test - svf)

## End(Not run)

michaeldorman/shadow documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 4:17 a.m.