basicAffineProcess: basicAffineProcess: A package of tools for the Basic Affine...

Description Details Laplace transform functions Simulation functions


The basicAffineProcess package provides Laplace transforms and random number generators for the basic affine process and the important special case of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) process (i.e., square-root diffusion).


A basic affine process (BAP) follows stochastic differential equation

dX[t] = (μ-κ X[t]) dt + σ X[t]^{1/2} dW[t] + dJ[t]

where W[t] is a Brownian motion and J[t] is a compound Poisson process with arrival rate λ and jump sizes distributed exponential with mean ζ.

We have separate routines for two special cases:

Let Y[t] be the time-integral of X[s] over s=(0,t). Notation X[t] and Y[t] and parameters (μ,κ,σ,λ,ζ) are used throughout the documentation of this package.

Laplace transform functions

The extended transform is

ψ(t;u,w,X0) = E[exp(wY[t]+uX[t])| X0]

Given a vector of times tt, the Laplace transform returns a list (tt, A0, B0, A1, B1), all vectors of the same length. The returns are defined by ψ(t;0,w,X0)=exp(A0+B0*X0) and


where ψ' is the derivative with respect to time. The extended transforms are provided by Duffie (J. of Banking & Finance, 2005, Appendix D.4).

Simulation functions

The simulation functions ...

michaelgordy/basicAffineProcess documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:50 p.m.