
README for MplusAutomation Vignettes

Writing vignettes for MplusAutomation is complicated by the need for commercial Mplus to be installed, which will not be available for any continuous integration testing nor on CRAN. This README outlines the process and steps needed to create successful vignettes.

The work flow for vignettes requiring Mplus to run is as follows.

  1. Decide on the vignette short name, say "cfacont" for Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Continuous.
  2. Create a file shortname.Rmd.orig, continuing with the example that would be cfacont.Rmd.orig. This will be an Rmarkdown document but is our original source document that can be run on machines with Mplus installed, but not on CRAN, etc.
  3. Name each R chunk in shortname.Rmd.orig based on this convention: shortname-chunkname. For example, cfacont-model would be the label for a chunk "model" in the vignette "cfacont". It is a good idea to name all chunks. However, it is required for chunks with figures for the figure parsing to work correctly.
  4. Edit the file vignettes/precompile.R to for the new vignette. precompile.R is a script that is explicitly added to .Rbuildignore so its never in the CRAN build. precompile.R does the precompilation of our shortname.Rmd.orig vignettes into shortname.Rmd vignettes that look like a .Rmd file but have already had all the code run so that Mplus is no longer required. The code in precompile.R for a new vignette should look like this: knit("vignettes/shortname.Rmd.orig", "vignettes/shortname.Rmd")
  5. Any figures generated need to be moved into the vignettes folder from the top level package directory. This can be done automatically using the file.rename() function to move them and the list.files() function to find them all. For this to work smoothly, two things are required. First all the chunks with figures must be named consistently with the shortname of the vignette. Second, the shortname must be unique, both from other vignettes and from any package level files or directories. For example, because at the top level, there is a DESCRIPTION file, that would not be a good shortname nor would README, NEWS, vignettes (a directory name), etc.
  6. Write your vignette in the file shortname.Rmd.orig. In addition to the Rmarkdown YAML header information required for the vignette and vignette index entry, R code is needed to set the chunk options so that fig.path = "". Otherwise, by default figures go into a figures subfolder, which will break moving the figures to their correct, final location. The first R code chunk should include the following code: knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = "") and so that users do not see it, this chunk should have the option include = FALSE.
  7. From R make sure your working directory is in the top level, MplusAutomation package directory. From there, you can source/run precompile.R. This will precompile the vignette and should move all the figures to the right place.
  8. Check that a new file shortname.Rmd has been generated. Check that if you have figures in the vignette these are not in the top level package directory anymore and are in the vignettes directory.
  9. Commit changes via git. Make sure that changed / modified files look like what you expect.

michaelhallquist/MplusAutomation documentation built on May 4, 2024, 11:12 p.m.