update.mplusObject: Update an Mplus model object

View source: R/mplus.R

update.mplusObjectR Documentation

Update an Mplus model object


This is a method for updating an Mplus model object. It takes an Mplus model object as the first argument, and then optionally any sections to update. There are two ways to update a section using a formula interface. ~ "new stuff" will replace a given section with the new text. Alternately, you can add additional text using ~ + "additional stuff". Combined these let you replace or add to a section.


## S3 method for class 'mplusObject'
update(object, quiet = TRUE, ...)



An object of class mplusObject


optional. If TRUE, show status messages in the console.


Additional arguments to pass on


An (updated) Mplus model object


Joshua F. Wiley <jwiley.psych@gmail.com>


example1 <- mplusObject(MODEL = "mpg ON wt;",
  usevariables = c("mpg", "hp"), rdata = mtcars)
x <- ~ "ESTIMATOR = ML;"
str(update(example1, rdata = iris))
str(update(example1, ANALYSIS = x))
str(update(example1, MODEL = ~ "wt ON hp;"))
str(update(example1, MODEL = ~ . + "wt ON hp;"))
str(update(example1, ANALYSIS = x, MODEL = ~ . + "wt ON hp;"))

## check that use variables can be updated & overridden
str(update(example1, usevariables = c("mpg", "hp", "cyl")))

# test to make sure . in Mplus code does not cause problems
str(update(example1, ANALYSIS = x, MODEL = ~ . + "wt ON hp*.5;"))
rm(example1, x)

michaelhallquist/MplusAutomation documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:17 a.m.