Man pages for michaelquinn32/adventureR
Functions for the Big Blog of R Adventures.

adventureR-packageFunctions for the Big Blog of R Adventures.
bootstrap_experimentExperimenting with sampling and calculating confidence...
f1_scoreCalculate the F1 score of a predictor
geyserA Simple Geyser simulation
LDALinear Discriminant Analysis
naive_bayesFit a Naive Bayes Classifier
nzvRemove Zero variance Columns from a data frame
precisionCalculate the precision of a predictor
predict.LDACreate predictions from an LDA model
predict.nbCreate predictions from a Naive Bayes model
recallCalculate the recall of a predictor
score_modelScore a model with Precision, Recall and F1
split_dataSampling function for bootstrap
michaelquinn32/adventureR documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:52 p.m.