Man pages for michaelquinn32/generators
Generators: Iterable functions

accessorsAccessor methods for the generator class
consumeConsume an generator, taking all iterations up to a limit
copyCopy a generator safely
discardFilter a series by discarding results that fulfill a...
foldcConsume a fold a generator, producing a scalar
foldnFold a generator N times with a binary function
generatorConstruct a new generator
generatorsGenerators: Iterable functions
keepFilter a series by keeping results that fulfill a predicate
limitSet the limit of an iterator
peekSafely check for next value in iterator
rebaseAlter a generators update function, spawning a new generator
recycleRecycle a generator
resetReturn a generator to its original state
skipSkip ahead in a generator
takeExtract n steps from a generator
wrapModify a generators wrapping function, spawning a new...
michaelquinn32/generators documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:52 p.m.