Create publication quality Kaplan-Meier plots with at risk tables below.
To install the ggkm package, install and run the devtools package and then run the code below in a R console:
Loading the "colon" dataset from the survival package allows us to create a survival object to plot with the ggkm() function. A basic Kaplan-Meier plot can be created and saved by running the commands below:
#Load dataset
fit <- survfit(Surv(time,status)~rx, data=colon)
#Plot the data
#Save a PNG image using R plotting device
png("KM1.png", units='in', height=5, width=7, res = 220)
At risk tables are a handy way of demonstrating the number of individuals remaining at each time-point of a survival analysis. This can easily be added by including the parameter "table = TRUE", as below:
ggkm(fit, table = TRUE)
More advanced plots can be created by modifying a number of parameters. For example the title, y-strata name and lables, x-strata name can all be modified; a 95% confidence interval can be added; the dashtype can be removed or the symbol changed; and, a P-value from the survival object may also be included.
ggkm(fit, table = T,
main="Survival by treatment group",
ystratalabs = c("Placebo", "No-drug", "Drug"),
ystrataname = "Group",
xlabs = "Time-to-death (days)",
shape = 4,
linecols = "Set2")
The marker points which can be modified based on the the numbering of the point symbols given in the image below.
The colours of the lines are based on colour brewer palletes. To set a pallete use a palette name shown in the image below.
This work builds upon that of many others, predominantly Abhijit Dasgupta, Abhijit Dasgupta, Gil Tomas and Mark Crowley at I have packaged it up and extensively modified the parameters for ease of use.
I would love to hear any feedback, comments or suggestions for this package.
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