Man pages for michaja/quitte
Bits and pieces of code to use with quitte-style data frames

df.2.named.vectorData frame to named vector Factorise factor and character columns in data frame
ggplot_bar_stacked_dodgedStacked and dodged bar plot
ggplot_bar_vtsStacked bar plot with variable bar width a vector of stings to a data frame
make.ISOyearspeedily converting years to POSIXct values
order.levelsOrder data frame factor levels
overwriteReplace rows in a data frame with new values
quitte-packageThe quitte R package
read.gdxRead item from '.gdx' file as quitte data frame
read.quitteread IAMC-style .csv files into quitte data frame
sum_totalSum over one dimension of a data frame
michaja/quitte documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:53 p.m.