Man pages for michellegrace/mgs.dispersion
This reads and plots dispersion related inputs and outputs.

mgsplot.boxThis function creates boxplots
mgsplot.concrosecreate concentration rose
mgsplot.contourcreate contour plots
mgsplot.gradient_boxThis function creates boxplots
mgsplot.qqcreate QQ plots
mgsplot.RLINE_receptorscreate simple reeptor plot on X-Y plane
mgsplot.scattercreate scatter plots
mgsplot.windrosecreate wind rose
mgsread.aermetsfcread AERMET .SFC file
mgsread.RLINE_hourly_outputread RLINE output hourly concentration file
mgsread.RLINE_receptorsread RLINE receptor file
mgstool.binbymetread in data fram and bin based on meteorology
mgswrite.rep_aermetsfcread AERMET .SFC file and find representative conditions (by...
mgswrite.RLINE_polargridWrites a text file with a regular spaced grid ready fro...
mgswrite.RLINE_regulargridWrites a text file with a regular spaced grid ready fro...
michellegrace/mgs.dispersion documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:55 p.m.