Man pages for miferreiro/bdp4R
Big Data Preprocessing For R

AbbreviationPipeClass to find and/or replace the abbreviations on the data of...
Bdp4RClass to manage the preprocess of the files through the...
bdp4R_executePreproccess files through pipes
ConnectionsClass to manage the connections with twitter and youtube
ContractionsPipeClass to find and/or replace the contractions on the data of...
ExtractorEmlClass to handle eml files
ExtractorSmsClass to handle sms files
ExtractorTtwtClass to handle ttwt files
ExtractorTwtidClass to handle twtid files
ExtractorTytbClass to handle tytb files
ExtractorWarcClass to handle warc files
ExtractorYtbidClass to handle ytbid files
File2PipeClass to obtain the source of an instance
FindEmojiPipeClass to find and/or replace the emoji on the data of an...
FindEmoticonPipeClass to find and/or remove the emoticon on the data
FindHashtagPipeClass to find and/or remove the hashtags on the data
FindUrlPipeClass to find and/or remove the urls on the data
FindUserNamePipeClass to find and/or remove the users on the data
grapes-greater-than-or-grapesbdp4R forward-pipe operator
GuessDatePipeClass to obtain the date
GuessLanguagePipeClass to guess the language
InstanceSuper class that handles the general functionalities of the...
InstanceFactoryClass to build Instance types
InterjectionPipeClass to find and/or remove the interjections on the data of...
MeasureLengthPipeClass to obtain the length of the data of an instance
PipeGenericSuper class that handles the general functionalities of the...
ResourceHandlerClass to manage differents types of resources
SerialPipesClass that implements the flow of pipes
SlangPipeClass to find and/or replace the slangs on the data of an...
StopWordPipeClass to find and/or remove the stop words on the data of an...
StoreFileExtensionPipeClass to get the extension of a file
StringBuffer2SynsetVectorPipeClass to compute synsets from text
StripHTMLPipeClass to remove html tags
SynsetFeatureVectorClass to represent a vector of synset-based features
SynsetVectorClass to represent a vector of synsets and the asociated...
SynsetVector2SynsetFeatureVectorPipeClass to transform a SynsetVector into a SynsetFeatureVector
TargetAssigningPipeClass to get the target of the instance
TeeCSVFromSynsetFeatureVectorPipeClass to complete the csv with the preprocessed instance and...
TeeCSVPipeClass to complete the csv with the preprocessed instance
ToLowerCasePipeClass to convert the data of an instance to lower case
TypePipeClass to establish the flow of pipes
UrbanDictionaryHandlerClass to get the match with the specific word from an Urban...
miferreiro/bdp4R documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:59 a.m.