This repository has been moved and it is no longer maintained. Please read below.

This repository is part of the research master thesis titled Sample Size Recommendations for Estimating Cross-Sectional Network Models by Mihai A. Constantin, under the supervision of Angélique O. J. Cramer. In this project we performed simulations for several network models to provide sample size recommendations. The primary purpose of this repository is to allow researchers to replicate the results presented in the thesis (i.e., using the repository version at commit 9ca8392). The thesis and the simulation scripts are freely available on OSF at

If you are interested in sample size analysis for psychological networks, you are cordially invited to take a look at following paper:

In this paper, which we submitted for publication, we introduce a general method to perform sample size calculations for psychological networks. To facilitate researchers to conduct such sample size calculations we provide an R package called powerly available both on GitHub at mihaiconstantin/powerly and CRAN. The package powerly is stable and under active development to support new models. To request a new model, performance measure, or statistic, please open an issue at


Sample Size Recommendations for Estimating Cross-Sectional Network Models.

Repository status (see



The data used in the study can be loaded via data("netPowerData"). The code block below illustrates the main four functions found in this package.

1. build_design(participants, nodes, architectures, connectedness, models)
# Specifying the factors.
participants    = seq(50, 1000, 50)
nodes           = c(10, 20, 30)
architectures   = c(random = 1, small_world = 2, scale_free = 3)
connectedness   = c(low = 1, medium = 2, large = 3)
models          = c(ising = 1, ggm = 2)

# Building the design.
design = build_design(participants, 

#   participants nodes architectures connectedness models
# 1           50    10             1             1      1
# 2           50    10             1             1      2
# 3           50    10             1             2      1
# 4           50    10             1             2      2
# 5           50    10             1             3      1
# 6           50    10             1             3      2
2. run_cell(participants, nodes, density, architecture)
result_cell = run_cell(participants  = 300,
                       nodes         = 10, 
                       architecture  = 2,
                       connectedness = 3,
                       model         = 2)

#  Simulation cell results:  
#       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
#    -> config: 300 participants | 10 nodes | small world architecture | 3 connectedness | ggm model. 
#       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
#    -> sensitivity: 0.85 
#    -> specificity: 0.88 
#    -> type one error: 0.12 
#    -> type two error: 0.15 
#    -> edge correlation: 0.9335286 
#    -> equal # nodes: yes 
# Try plot(result) for a visual inspection.


Plot for run_cell result object.

3. run_cells(cells)
result_cells = run_cells(design[c(1, 97, 165), ])
# -> Running simulation for 3 cells:
#   -> config: 50 par | 10 nod | 1 arc | 1 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
#   -> config: 100 par | 30 nod | 2 arc | 1 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
#   -> config: 200 par | 10 nod | 1 arc | 2 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
# -> Completed all 3 cells.
4. replicate_cells(cells, replications)
replicated cells = replicate_cells(design[c(1, 97, 165), ], 2)
# Design replications requested: 2.

# ------------------------------
# Replication: 1.
# ------------------------------
# -> Running simulation for 3 cells:
#   -> config: 50 par | 10 nod | 1 arc | 1 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
#   -> config: 100 par | 30 nod | 2 arc | 1 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
#   -> config: 200 par | 10 nod | 1 arc | 2 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
# -> Completed all 3 cells.

# ------------------------------
# Replication: 2.
# ------------------------------
# -> Running simulation for 3 cells:
#   -> config: 50 par | 10 nod | 1 arc | 1 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
#   -> config: 100 par | 30 nod | 2 arc | 1 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
#   -> config: 200 par | 10 nod | 1 arc | 2 con | 1 mod. Cell done. ✓
# -> Completed all 3 cells.

# Completed all 2 replications.

Note: For more details please check the documentation of each function (i.e., work in progress).

mihaiconstantin/netTinker documentation built on Oct. 3, 2021, 8:23 p.m.