Man pages for mike-decarlo/augmentR
Additional Utility and Calculatory Functions

insert_out_addinInsert %out%. Call this function as an addin to insert '...
insert_tilda_addinInsert " ~ ". Call this function as an addin to insert '" ~...
install_packsMultiple package installation (without loading) The...
leftExtract the 'n' characters from the left of a string 'left'...
multi_plotPlotting of multiple objects in a single window The...
outValue un-Matching
rightExtract the 'n' characters from the right of a string 'right'...
st_errCalculate the standard error The 'st_err' function calculates...
use_packPackage installing and loading function 'use_pack' takes a...
use_packsPackage (multiple) installing and loading function...
mike-decarlo/augmentR documentation built on March 17, 2023, 11:05 a.m.