
# Global imports for package

# Remember that I created an .Rprofile in my home directory to set some options
# until timezone bug is fixed

#' @importFrom tibble tibble

#' us.births
#' Description of data set.
#' @format A data frame with five variables: \code{year}, \code{sex},
#'   \code{name}, \code{n} and \code{prop} (\code{n} divided by total number
#'   of applicants in that year, which means proportions are of people of
#'   that gender with that name born in that year).

#' us.babynames
#' Description of data set.
#' @format A data frame with five variables: \code{year}, \code{sex},
#'   \code{name}, \code{n} and \code{prop} (\code{n} divided by total number
#'   of applicants in that year, which means proportions are of people of
#'   that gender with that name born in that year).

#' us.postalcodes
#' Description of data set.
#' @format A data frame with five variables: \code{year}, \code{sex},
#'   \code{name}, \code{n} and \code{prop} (\code{n} divided by total number
#'   of applicants in that year, which means proportions are of people of
#'   that gender with that name born in that year).
mikebesso/two.laws.data documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:43 a.m.