
itersave: The itersave() function to iteratively run-then-write (to .rds) the output of a user supplied function


The user supplied function, in the argument 'func_user', is expected to return an object that itersave() can further save physically. So, itersave() will write a physical .rds file to the user specified directory. The name of the physical file will use the elements' names in the named vector 'vec_arg_func' as the filename. eg if names(vec_arg_func[[i]])='foo', then the physical file is 'foo.rds' Note: itersave() uses purrr::safely() with if-else to handle errors.


itersave(func_user, vec_arg_func, mainDir, subDir, subSubDir = "/failed/",
  first = 1, last = length(vec_arg_func), parallel = FALSE,
  timeout = Inf, prog_iter = TRUE, ts = TRUE, walk = FALSE, ...)


Argument |Description ------------- |---------------- func_user | a user supplied function taking in a simple argument of one-element vec_arg_func | a named vector whose elements' value will be iteratively used as arguments in func_user. Further, the vector elements' name will be used as the .rds filename. mainDir | parent directory to write output to subDir | sub directory to write good results to subSubDir | sub sub directory to write bad results to first | integer to start iteration. Defaults to 1 last | integer to end iteration. Defaults to length(vec_arg_func) parallel | logical to use library(doParallel) back end. Defaults to FALSE timeout | a numeric (default Inf) specifying the maximum number of seconds the expression is allowed to run before being interrupted by the timeout. Passed to withTimeout prog_iter | a logical (default TRUE) if the 'i of last' progress should be printed for each iteration. ts | a logical (default TRUE) if the timestamp should be printed for each iteration. walk | logical (default FALSE). If TRUE, then saveRDS() is not ran for successful iterations. ... | extra NAMED arguments passed to func_user via,args=...)


iterload to easily load files written by itersave



## NOTE: Must name arg_vec_spec ## using arg vector index as suffix # names(arg_vec_spec) = paste0('arg_foo',seq_along(arg_vec_spec)) ## using last 6 digits of arg value as suffix # names(arg_vec_spec) = paste0('arg_foo',stringr::str_sub(arg_vec_spec,start=-6)) ## left pad with 0 via nchar digits of arg length # names(arg_vec_spec) = paste0('arg_', # str_pad(seq_along(arg_vec_spec), # width=nchar(length(arg_vec_spec)), # side="left", pad="0"))

################## # success ################## arg_vec_spec = 1:10 names(arg_vec_spec) = paste0('arg_foo',seq_along(arg_vec_spec)) foo_func_spec = function(x){return(log(x))}

mainDir = '~/projects/datzen/tests/proto/temp/' subDir = '/dump_1_perfect/' subSubDir = '/failed_perfect/'

itersave(func_user=foo_func_spec,vec_arg_func=arg_vec_spec, mainDir,subDir,subSubDir=subSubDir,parallel=FALSE)

# good files list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir),full.names = TRUE) out=datzen::iterload(paste0(mainDir,subDir)) str(out)

# bad files none list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir),full.names = TRUE)

################## # failure from argument bad ################## arg_vec_spec = letters names(arg_vec_spec) = paste0('arg_foo',seq_along(arg_vec_spec)) foo_func_spec = function(x){return(log(x))}

subDir = '/dump_1_argbad/' subSubDir = '/failed_argbad/'

itersave(func_user=foo_func_spec,vec_arg_func=arg_vec_spec, mainDir,subDir,subSubDir=subSubDir,parallel=FALSE)

# good files none list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir),full.names = TRUE)

# bad files list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir),full.names = TRUE) out=iterload(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir)) str(out)

################## # failure due to timeout ##################

# arg is good arg_vec_spec = 1:10 names(arg_vec_spec) = paste0('arg_foo',seq_along(arg_vec_spec))

foo_func_spec = function(x){ wait=sample(c(0,2.0),1); # 0 or 2 second Sys.sleep(wait); return(log(x))}

subDir = '/dump_1_timeout/' subSubDir = '/failed_timeout/'

# timeout at 1 second itersave(func_user=foo_func_spec,vec_arg_func=arg_vec_spec, mainDir=mainDir,subDir=subDir,subSubDir=subSubDir,parallel=FALSE, timeout=1.0)

# good files some list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir),full.names = TRUE) out=datzen::iterload(paste0(mainDir,subDir)) str(out)

# bad files some list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir),full.names = TRUE) out=datzen::iterload(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir)) str(out)

################## # re run failed args # see ?iterload() ##################

list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir),full.names = TRUE) out=datzen::iterload(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir)) str(out)

transpose(out)$ind_fail transpose(out)$input_bad

# these examples timed out due to # random sample of wait time exceeding 2.0

foo_func_spec = function(x){ # wait=sample(c(0,2.0),1); # 0 or 2 second # Sys.sleep(wait); return(log(x))}

arg_redo = unlist(transpose(out)$input_bad) names(arg_redo) arg_vec_spec = arg_redo

subDir = '/dump_1_redo/' subSubDir = '/failed_redo/'

itersave(func_user=foo_func_spec,vec_arg_func=arg_vec_spec, mainDir=mainDir,subDir=subDir,subSubDir=subSubDir,parallel=FALSE, timeout=1.0)

# good files all list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir),full.names = TRUE) out=datzen::iterload(paste0(mainDir,subDir)) str(out) names(arg_redo)

# bad files none list.files(paste0(mainDir,subDir,subSubDir),full.names = TRUE) ```

mikejacktzen/datzen documentation built on June 14, 2019, 5:23 p.m.