Man pages for mikelove/SparseData
Efficient Manipulation of Sparse Experiment Data

applyFunctionSparselyApply function sparsely
calculateMeansCalculate the means and sum of squares for a SparseDataSet
calculateTStatsCalculate the t-statistics for a SparseDataSet
combineCombine two SparseDataSet objects
conditionsAccessor for conditions
meansAccessor for the means
newSparseDataSetCreate a new SparseDataSet
simulateSparseDataSetSimulates a SparseDataSet
sparseCovSparse covariance/correlation, cosine similarity or Euclidean...
sparseDataAccessors for the 'sparseData' slot of a SparseDataSet object
SparseData-packageSparseData: Efficient Manipulation of Sparse Data
SparseDataSet-classClass '"SparseDataSet"'
sumSquaresAccessor for the sum of squares
tStatsAccessor for the tStats
mikelove/SparseData documentation built on May 22, 2019, 10:52 p.m.