Man pages for mikemahoney218/BeaverForaging

BAFormulaA formula for calculating basal area from stem diameter. Not...
BeaverForaging-packageBeaverForaging: What the Package Does (Title Case)
BeaverStatusConvert stump codes in the inventory dataset to binary values...
CCBetaRegressionPerform the beta regression used to demonstrate the...
CodePlotsConvert plot letter codes to numeric values, for math and...
DiameterAverageGet numeric averages for the DBHClass column in the...
ForestStructureA function for calculating mean basal area and stem density...
PhylaListAdd data on stem groups to the InventoryData dataset.
RichnessStatisticsA function to calculate species richness across all plots.
SpeciesNamesConvert two-letter species codes used in Inventory Data...
mikemahoney218/BeaverForaging documentation built on May 8, 2019, 7:29 a.m.