R setup

knitr::opts_knit$set(progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
# Global chunk options
    cache = TRUE, autodep = TRUE,
    include = TRUE, echo = TRUE,
    warning = TRUE, message = FALSE, 
    fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6

Run with SAVE_FIGURES = TRUE to save figures in figures/.


Libraries and paths


Path where the rrnDB and GTDB data are stored:

dotenv::load_dot_env(here("data-raw", ".env"))
data_path <- Sys.getenv("DATA_PATH")

GTDB and rrnDB setup

species <- c("Gardnerella_vaginalis", "Atopobium_vaginae",
    "Lactobacillus_crispatus", "Lactobacillus_iners",
    "Prevotella_bivia", "Sneathia_amnii", "Streptococcus_agalactiae") %>%
    str_replace("_", " ")

Load the GTDB metadata and tree

tree <- ape::read.tree(file.path(data_path, "gtdb", "bac120_r86.2.tree"))
gtdb_spec <- cols(
    ssu_gg_blast_bitscore = col_double(),
    ssu_silva_blast_bitscore = col_double()
gtdb <- read_tsv(
    file.path(data_path, "gtdb", "bac_metadata_r86.tsv"),
    col_types = gtdb_spec,
    na = c("", "NA", "none")
# We just want the NCBI reference and representative genomes for the mock taxa.
# We can match against the species recorded in the ncbi_taxonomy string
gtdb <- gtdb %>%
    mutate(ncbi_species = str_extract(ncbi_taxonomy, "(?<=s__).+"))

Get the info for the Brooks2015 species from refseq genomes,

gtdb.brooks <- gtdb %>%
    filter(ncbi_species %in% species) %>%
    filter(ncbi_refseq_category %in% 
        c("reference genome", "representative genome")) %>%
    select(ncbi_species, ncbi_ssu_count, ncbi_total_length,
        ncbi_refseq_category, accession, ncbi_taxonomy) %>%

Load the rrnDB:

rrn <- read_tsv(file.path(data_path, "rrndb", "rrnDB-5.5.tsv.zip")) %>%
rrn <- rrn %>%
    mutate(ncbi_species = str_extract(ncbi_scientific_name, "[^ ]+ [^ ]+"))

Get the info for the Brooks2015 species

rrn.brooks <- rrn %>%
    filter(ncbi_species %in% species) %>%
    select(ncbi_species, x16s_gene_count, everything()) %>%

Genome statistics

NCBI genome lengths and 16S copy numbers

gtdb.brooks %>%
    select(ncbi_species, ncbi_ssu_count, ncbi_total_length,

NCBI annotations of 1 16S copy may just mean that the genome assemblies did not properly separate out the different 16S copies, so some further investigation of A. vaginae and L. iners in particular is warranted.

rrnDB: 16S copy number

rrn.brooks %>% 
    group_by(ncbi_species) %>% 
        list(n = length, mean = mean, median = median, min = min, max = max))

These look like reliable numbers for these three species, and agree with the ncbi annotations.

Yuan2012: 16S copy numbers

Yuan S, Cohen DB, Ravel J, Abdo Z, Forney LJ. 2012. Evaluation of Methods for the Extraction and Purification of DNA from the Human Microbiome. PLoS One 7:e33865.

They determined copy numbers for Atopobium vaginae and Lactobacillus iners by pulse-field gel electrophoresis and found

| Species | 16s CN | |:--------------------|-------:| | Atopobium vaginae | 2 | | Lactobacillus iners | 5 |

(see their Table 4 and Methods)

Check relatives in the rrnDB

gtdb %>%
    group_by(is.na(ncbi_species)) %>%

tree w/ tips that have NCBI species

tree.ncbi <- gtdb %>%
    filter(!is.na(ncbi_species)) %>%
    {intersect(.$accession, tree$tip.label)} %>%
    keep.tip(tree, .)


Get a tree corresponding to the clade of the MRCA of L. crispatus and L. iners,

tree.lacto <- gtdb %>%
    filter(ncbi_species %in% 
        paste("Lactobacillus", c("iners", "crispatus"))) %>%
    {intersect(.$accession, tree$tip.label)} %>%
    getMRCA(tree.ncbi, .) %>%
    extract.clade(tree.ncbi, .)

Let's take a look at how L. iners and L. crisp fall on the tree:

gtb <- gtdb %>%
    select(taxa = accession, ncbi_species) %>%
    filter(taxa %in% tree.ncbi$tip.label) %>%
    mutate(species_abbrev = str_replace(ncbi_species, "Lactobacillus", "L."))
g <- ggtree(tree.lacto) %<+% gtb
g + geom_tiplab(aes(label = species_abbrev, 
        color = str_detect(species_abbrev, "crispatus|iners"))) +
    xlim(0, 0.29)

These groupings of L. iners and L. crispatus agree with those of Duar2017 (Figure 2).

Next, we will look for nearby species in the rrnDB. For L iners, let's define an "L. iners group" consisting of all species descending from the MRCA of L. iners and L. gasseri,

td <- as_tibble(tree.lacto) %>%
    left_join(gtb %>% rename(label = taxa), by = "label")
mrca.iners_group <- td %>%
    filter(str_detect(ncbi_species, "iners|gasseri")) %>%
    group_by(ncbi_species) %>%
    top_n(1, label) %>%
    .$label %>%
    {MRCA(td, .[[1]], .[[2]])} %>%
species.iners_group <- offspring(td, mrca.iners_group) %>%
    filter(!is.na(ncbi_species)) %>%
    .$ncbi_species %>%

Check the copy numbers of these species in the rrnDB:

rrn.iners_group <- rrn %>%
    filter(ncbi_species %in% species.iners_group) %>%
    select(ncbi_scientific_name, x16s_gene_count, evidence) %>%
rrn.iners_group %>%
rrn.iners_group %>% 
        list(n = length, mean = mean, median = median, min = min, max = max))

These numbers are consistent with the number of the CN of 5 found in Yuan2012. Given that L. iners is quite distant from its relatives, I will go with the estimate of 5 for L. iners determined experimentally by Yuan2012.

Now let's do the same for L. crispatus, defining its group somewhat broadly to include all descendants of the MRCA of crispatus with acidophilus,

mrca.crisp_group <- td %>%
    filter(str_detect(ncbi_species, "crispatus|acidophilus")) %>%
    group_by(ncbi_species) %>%
    top_n(1, label) %>%
    .$label %>%
    {MRCA(td, .[[1]], .[[2]])} %>%
species.crisp_group <- offspring(td, mrca.crisp_group) %>%
    filter(!is.na(ncbi_species)) %>%
    .$ncbi_species %>%

Check the copy numbers of these species in the rrnDB:

rrn.crisp_group <- rrn %>%
    filter(ncbi_species %in% species.crisp_group) %>%
    select(ncbi_scientific_name, x16s_gene_count, evidence) %>%
rrn.crisp_group %>%
rrn.crisp_group %>% 
        list(n = length, mean = mean, median = median, min = min, max = max))

These numbers are consistent with the estimate of 4 from the NCBI genome annotation.

Prevotella bivia

Tree of the clade containing all "Prevotella" NCBI genomes:

tree.prevo <- gtdb %>%
    filter(str_detect(ncbi_species, "Prevotella")) %>%
    {intersect(.$accession, tree$tip.label)} %>%
    getMRCA(tree.ncbi, .) %>%
    extract.clade(tree.ncbi, .)

Check where P. bivia falls:

g <- ggtree(tree.prevo) %<+% gtb
g + geom_tiplab(aes(label = ncbi_species, 
        color = str_detect(ncbi_species, "bivia"))) +
    xlim(0, 0.52)

So we can use the MRCA of P. bivia and P. melaninogenica to get a set of related species to query the rrnDB.

td <- as_tibble(tree.prevo) %>%
    left_join(gtb %>% rename(label = taxa), by = "label")
mrca.pbi_group <- td %>%
    filter(str_detect(ncbi_species, "Prevotella (bivia|melaninogenica)")) %>%
    group_by(ncbi_species) %>%
    top_n(1, label) %>%
    .$label %>%
    {MRCA(td, .[[1]], .[[2]])} %>%
species.pbi_group <- offspring(td, mrca.pbi_group) %>%
    filter(!is.na(ncbi_species)) %>%
    .$ncbi_species %>%

Check the copy numbers of these species in the rrnDB:

rrn.pbi_group <- rrn %>%
    filter(ncbi_species %in% species.pbi_group) %>%
    select(ncbi_scientific_name, x16s_gene_count, evidence) %>%
rrn.pbi_group %>%
rrn.pbi_group %>% 
        list(n = length, mean = mean, median = median, min = min, max = max))

These numbers are consistent with the estimate of 4 from the refseq genome.

Atopobium vaginae

Tree of the clade containing all "Atopobium" NCBI genomes:

tree.atopo <- gtdb %>%
    filter(str_detect(ncbi_species, "Atopobium")) %>%
    {intersect(.$accession, tree$tip.label)} %>%
    getMRCA(tree.ncbi, .) %>%
    extract.clade(tree.ncbi, .)

Check where A. vaginae falls:

g <- ggtree(tree.atopo) %<+% gtb
g + geom_tiplab(aes(label = ncbi_species, 
        color = str_detect(ncbi_species, "vaginae"))) +
    xlim(0, 0.45)

Check for any of these three genera in the rrnDB,

avag_pat <- "Atopobium|Olsenella|Olegusella"
rrn %>%
    filter(str_detect(ncbi_scientific_name, avag_pat)) %>%
    select(ncbi_scientific_name, x16s_gene_count, evidence) %>%
    arrange(ncbi_scientific_name) %>%

These results suggest that a value of 1-2 is reasonable, but leave it pretty ambiguous which is better. Since the value of 1 in the NCBI annotation for A. vaginae is plausibly an assembly or annotation error, I will go with the larger value of 2 found by Yuan2012.

Final table

copy_number <- tribble(
    ~Taxon,                     ~Copy_number,
    "Atopobium_vaginae",                   2,
    "Gardnerella_vaginalis",               2,
    "Lactobacillus_crispatus",             4,   
    "Lactobacillus_iners",                 5,
    "Prevotella_bivia",                    4,
    "Sneathia_amnii",                      3,
    "Streptococcus_agalactiae",            7,
genome_size <- gtdb.brooks %>%
    group_by(Taxon = ncbi_species) %>%
    summarize(Genome_size = mean(ncbi_total_length)) %>%
    mutate(Taxon = str_replace(Taxon, " ", "_")) 
brooks2015_species_info <- left_join(genome_size, copy_number, by = "Taxon")

Save for use in the main analysis:


Also make a latex version for use as a supplemental table,

tex <- brooks2015_species_info %>%
        # Taxon = str_replace(Taxon, "[a-z]+_", ". "),
        Taxon = str_replace(Taxon, "_", " "),
        Taxon = kableExtra::cell_spec(Taxon, "latex", italic = TRUE),
        Genome_size = round(Genome_size / 1e6, 2)
        ) %>%
    rename(`Genome size (Mbp)` = Genome_size, `Copy number` = Copy_number) %>%
    # mutate_at(vars(-Taxon), as.character) %>%
    knitr::kable(format="latex", booktabs = TRUE, linesep = "",
        escape = FALSE, align = c("l", "r", "r"))

mikemc/2019-bias-manuscript documentation built on Sept. 26, 2019, 6:04 p.m.