Man pages for mikemc/tidyseq
Phyloseq extensions and improvements

anormAitchison norm of x
as_tibble.DNAStringSetas_tibble for DNAStringSet
as_tibble.otu_tableas_tibble for otu_table
as_tibble.phyloseqas_tibble for phyloseq objects
as_tibble.sample_dataas_tibble for sample_data
as_tibble.taxonomyTableas_tibble for taxonomyTable
center_eltsGeometrically center the elements of x
close_elts"Close" the elements of x to proportions
clrCentered log-ratio transform of x.
diversityTrue diversity of composition x (i.e., Hill numbers)
entropyShannon entropy for a vector of relative abundances
filter_taxaFilter taxa based on across-sample OTU abundance criteria
gm_meanGeometric mean of x.
gm_rangeGeometric range of x.
gm_sdGeometric standard deviation of x.
import_phyloseq_functionsImport phyloseq functions
logitConvert proportions to log-odds (logit)
mutate_byMutate within groups
oddsConvert proportions to odds
otu_table-tbl_df-methodConstructor for creating otu_table from a tibble (class...
pipePipe operator
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sample_data-tbl_df-methodConstructor for creating sample_data from a tibble (class...
tax_table-tbl_df-methodConstructor for creating taxonomyTable from a tibble (class...
transform_sample_countsTransform abundance data in an 'otu_table', sample-by-sample
xydistDistance or dissimilarity between relative abundance vectors...
mikemc/tidyseq documentation built on Oct. 27, 2019, 12:46 p.m.